iPhone to get direct TV and movie downloads?

Monday, May 25, 2009

Apple will begin to allow downloads of movies and TV shows through the iPhone, according to the hottest rumor --complete with supposed screenshots-- revealed just before a week-end.

itunes_tv1The blogger wrote:

This revelation, (again at least to me) comes by way of an advertisement in the new ad supported version of the app Twitterfon released on 5/15/09. Three ads, stumbled upon by a geeky friend of mine who wishes to remain anonymous for fear of the powerful arms of the Apple legal department, scrolling across the top of the app were for ‘iTunes Movies’, ‘iTunes TV’ and ‘iTunes Movie Rentals’.


Unsubstantiated rumor? I don't know, though on-device downloads would be nice. Currently, the only way to get video on an iPhone is by downloading it via iTunes on your computer and syncing with your device.

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