Android Developer Challenge 2 announced by Google

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Google has just announced the Android Developer Challenge 2 (ADC 2), the second edition of the competition that should (and will) bring new and cool applications for the Android OS – which has now reached version 1.5.

Participants can develop apps, evaluate/score others’ apps, or both.

The ADC 2 will debut in August, when developers will be able to submit their applications. These applications will be ‘judged’ by users who have access to Android Market, via a special ADC 2 app that lets them download, test and rate the submissions.

There will be 20 finalist applications, for 10 distinct categories:

* Education/Reference
* Social Networking
* Lifestyle
* Productivity/Tools
* Entertainment
* Games: Casual/Puzzle
* Games: Arcade/Action
* Media
* Travel
* Misc

Winners will be announced in mid-November 2009.

The prizes for each of ADC 2’s ten categories are as follows:

* 1st prize: $100,000
* 2nd prize: $50,000
* 3rd prize: $25,000

Also, there will be three overall winners:

* 1st prize: $150,000
* 2nd prize: $50,000
* 3rd prize: $25,000

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