T-Mobile’s 2009 Android Time To Motorola Morrison picture.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

T-Mobile’s 2009 Android Time To Motorola Morrison picture. This time around we can make out 3 distinct hardware buttons which previously were unidentifiable due to the white background - now Android makes a lot more sense. The buttons are (1) back, (2) home and (3) call/menu/action/something. It’ll be interesting to see how that last button with the 4 boxes functions considering the needs for “Call” and “Menu” both need to be addressed, unless done somehow or somewhere else.

Also of interest is that this version of the Motorola Morrison is black and blue as opposed to previous pics we’ve seen that showed a white and blue model:

If Motorola were to offer black and white versions with different interior colors like pink, green, orange, etc… they could really have a hit on their hands with the teen market. Of course it all depends on who they’re targeting, what the price range is and whether or not the phone works well. Hopefully we’ll find out in late 2009 as this sucker is supposed to hit for the holidays!

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