Bluetooth headsets from Samsung: WEP850, WEP870, and WEP470

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Samsung WEP870 300x377 Samsung Announces Three New Bluetooth HeadsetsSamsung WEP850 Samsung Announces Three New Bluetooth HeadsetsSamsung WEP470 300x224 Samsung Announces Three New Bluetooth Headsets

Three fresh Bluetooth headsets are on the way from Samsung: the WEP850, WEP870, and WEP470. The first on the left, the WEP870, is a compact mono headset that can be connected with a stereo earbud if you’re listening to music rather than taking calls, and can pair up with two devices simultaneously for those packing a utility belt-worth of phones. It’ll be going for $89.99. The middle headset, the WEP850, focuses primarily on noise cancellation, and runs for $69.99. Not bad if you’re looking for something a little sleeker. Finally, the WEP470 is more basic at the $39.99 price point, but emulates dual-microphone noise cancellation through some black magic they call “packet loss concealment”.

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