Google Search phones now available in Arabic and Hebrew

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Google Search results for feature phones now available in Arabic and Hebrew

Google announced that its mobile search service now supports Hebrew and Arabic. With this addition of two left-to-right languages, the Search is now available in total of 40 languages for feature phones.

Google mobile new search results format provides more complete support for the universal search results familiar with on your computer. This means that News, Image, Blog, Video and Product Search results blend right into the results pages when available and relevant to your query. Also, many of the favorite Google Search features now appear in the first result in order to provide direct answers to searches.

In the same blog post, Google’s Zhen Wang reminds us that the new search results format provides more complete support for the universal search results we’re familiar with on our computers. This means that News, Image, Blog, Video and Product Search results blend right into results pages when available and relevant to your query…

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