ARCHOS 5 Internet Tablet with Android

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

ARCHOS comes prepackaged with a bunch of Applications and the company highlights 10… interesting to see which ones they chose: Deezer, Dailymotion, twidroid, ebuddy IM, droidin, quickpedia, ThinkFree Mobile, CraigsPhone, Move, High Paying Jobs. Interesting choices and nice ones at that.

ARCHOS 5 with Android has some awesome features including numerous hard drive options that will store up to half a terabyte and tons of multimedia love in addition to everything that is Android. But there are some downsides - two notable ones.

1. The ARCHOS 5 launches the mobile versions of sites by default since the webpages detect Android - a mobile browser - and assume that is the best way to display. Hopefully ARCHOS updates the default Android Browser to override the setting that indicates it is a mobile browser when loaded by web servers.
2. While the HTC Hero enables Flash for Android, the capability was probably licensed and ARCHOS has not licensed anything so we get the default Android abilities. Which means no flash. Which means no streaming video on the web. Until Adobe launches Flash 10 at least or this capability is made as a core Android function.

ARCHOS 5 Internet Tablet with Android is already allowing pre-order via Amazon!

* Archos 5 (Android): 32GB $379.99

* Archos 5 (Android): 160GB $329.99

* Archos 5 (Android): 500GB $429.99

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