Palm Pixi to be launched in Europe

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Palm has introduced the Palm Pixi. The Palm Pixi is a cutesy candybar handset as opposed to the Pre’s slider form factor, but like that device it is equipped with both a touchscreen and QWERTY keypad. The Palm Pixi, which will be out in the US in time for Christmas, has a slightly smaller screen than its predecessor in order to make way for a full qwerty keyboard.

The Pixi will also run Palm’s WebOS, bringing with it all its unique features such as the combined contacts database that pulls in information from Facebook. It will also get full multi-touch support on the screen and the gesture area underneath the display. The 3.5-ounce Pixi boasts a full keyboard, a 2-megapixel camera, 2.63-inch multitouch screen with 320×400 resolution, GPS, Bluetooth and accelerometer.

The Pixi comes with 8 GB of onboard storage for media, video, and documents (about 7 GB is accessible to users), and owners can sideload media via a microUSB 2.0 connector, and features EVDO Rev A 3G connectivity .

The Pixi’s webOS offers a centralized view of contacts and messaging. In addition to linking information from Google, Facebook and Exchange ActiveSync, Palm Pixi adds Yahoo and LinkedIn integration to Palm Synergy — the built-in webOS feature for aggregating social networking and IM into a single view.

The Pixi is expected to be cheaper than the Palm Pre—and the companies just cut $50 off the price of the existing Palm Pre.

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