CorbyTXT and Corby Mate will sell in Indian market

Thursday, November 19, 2009
CorbyTXT and Corby Mate both targeted at those looking for cheap messaging devices to Indian market with low-end phones . While the unusual looking Corby Mate was found lurking the Indian Samsung Mobile site for quite some time, TXT adopts a familiar candybar design.
[caption id="attachment_7371" align="aligncenter" width="236" caption="CorbyTXT"]CorbyTXT[/caption]
CorbyTXT (B3210) features a 2.2-inch QCIF display, 2MP camera, Bluetooth, 3.5mm headphone jack, FM Radio and microSD card slot.

[caption id="attachment_7372" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Corby Mate"]Corby Mate[/caption]
Corby Mate on the other hand, has a 2-inch display, 2MP camera, Bluetooth, FM Radio and microSD card slot.

CorbyTXT and Corby Mate will sell for Rs. 7,900 and Rs. 7,300 respectively.

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