Nokia announced chargers recall

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Nokia has just announced that a certain number of chargers manufactured for its phones by a third-party supplier could cause electric shock hazards and they need to be replaced.

The chargers come from Huizhou BYD Electronic and include model types AC-3E, AC-3U and AC-4U units manufactured this year between June 15th and August 9th 2009, and the AC-4U chargers between April 13th and October 25th 2009. If you bought your charger before those dates, then you don't need to worry. The problem with the chargers is a potentially loose cover which could detach and reveal live electrical cables
These chargers were sold mostly in North America and Europe. British three-pin chargers are not part of this product recall, and UK customers will only need to be concerned if they have bought a US or Euro-style charger for travelling.

Nokia have set up a web site at which allows customers to see if one of their handsets is subject to recall. Nokia say that the cost of the recall will be covered by BYD.

Nokia says that “the plastic covers of the affected chargers could come loose and separate, exposing the charger’s internal components and potentially posing an electric shock hazard if certain internal components are touched while the charger is plugged into a live socket.”

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