Samsung Galaxy Nexus – PGM Nexus Slide2Wake

Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Samsung Galaxy Nexus – PGM Nexus Slide2Walk 
PGM Nexus or Slide2Walk allows users of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus enfache and convenient unlock its Android smartphones with a casual finger motion across the screen switched off. Ideal for lazy people or finger to all those whose power button for whatever reason (too much flashed?) No longer works properly. In practice this means in the future only with Flash2Walk: Unpacking the phone, slide a finger across the screen and you can end up on his Galaxy Nexus homescreen.
We owe (the original version was originally only available for the U.S. EVO3D) of this port by the way Slide2Walk XDA member bponury-up to the fact that each kernel is not supported yet, there are no limitations in functionality Galaxy of your Nexus.
PGM Nexus is a free version available with limited functionality, and unfortunately a little expensive premium version available from Google play.

Configuration options:
  • start point: X and Y values (as seen from portrait mode) in pixels - where the gesture should start
  • stop point: the same as above
  • Threshold: also X and Y - defines how much your finger can go off the perfect line connecting start and stop
  • timeout (ms): time in milliseconds to discard gesture, so if your swipe takes longer than N millis then it's discarded

Supported kernels (might not be complete):
  • Franco nightly 194
  • Faux123 standard kernel (default from AOKP)
  • Stock
  • Trinity alpha 95

Battery life:
This is not a simple application. It's a kernel module which controls input requests from the hardware. Phone should go into deep sleep and battery performance should not be affected more than 1-5% (IRL I really can't tell if it causes any battery drain at all - if it is - it's insignificant).

  • 1.6 2012-06-26
    • fixed enabled/disabled toggling in gestures which was craaazyyy
    • fixed values switching between gestures
  • 1.5 2012-06-25
    • fixed spontaneous reboot on some kernels
    • fixed "double-swipe-bug"
    • module not loading on boot should also be fixed
    • reboots upon loading module still happen on some kernels - won'tfix
  • 1.4 2012-06-23
    • NEW GESTURE! (FULL APP ONLY) - slide2media_next - play next song (or start playing) with swiping left->right on the bottom of screen
    • fixed error that prevented locking after boot
    • fixed a bug where unlocked app showed as locked
    • fixed gesture descriptions
    • fixed one FC

  • 1.3 2012-06-21
    • added support for more kernels
    • fixed a few bugs
  • 1.1 2012-06-20
    • initial release

      For more information about PGM Nexus, which at XDA

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