Ignore that tempting “update” button!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Apple started pushing out their official iTunes 8.2 for mobile devices with firmware 3.0 recently. But the Dev-Team recommended you --jailbreakers and yellowsn0w-users-- to ignore the "Update now?" button. Why?

* Most people aren’t at 3.0. In fact 3.0 is still in beta and has lots of bugs (especially related to push updates).
* It breaks your ability to use QuickPwn, PwnageTool, and iPhone Tunneling Suite (ssh over usb). We don’t think this is a deliberate breakage of these tools. It’s just that Apple has updated a low-level USB protocol that normally only Apple cares about (but jailbreakers care about).
* So far, the only appreciable change to iTunes 8.2 is the Genius function working on videos.
* It may actually break Palm Pre’s connection to the device (please give us feedback on this).

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